Petiveria alliacea

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Herb up to 1,5 meter high. In the Colonial Brazil, a high intoxication power was attributed to this plant. It was said that the ingestion of the herb could lead to death. However, scientifically, the toxicity of this herb is moderate.

Petiveria alliacea is the only species of the genus and it is originate frim Africa and America. It occurs from United States to Argentina.

It is used as a stimulant in paralysis. At high doses it is abortive and, according to some researchers, causes madness when it is used frequently. Its poisoning is slow and determines overexcitement, insomnia and almost hallucination. 

To use against insect bites, put up the leaves or leaves and twigs immersed in alcohol, until its juice is dissolved. Then, it can be applied at the site of the bite. For spiders bites it is recommended compress.

It is also used in the treatment of scabies.