Eletric EEL

<< Voltar

The popular name PORAQUE in the Indian Language means IT MAKES YOU SLEEP. 

As air-breathers, they must come to the surface frequently. They also have poor eyesight, but can emit a low-level charge, less than 10 volts, which they use like radar to navigate and locate prey.

Popular Name : Eletric EELEletric Fish. Shake Shake.

Scientific Name: Electrophorus electricus.

Geographical Distribution : the Amazon and Orinoco River basins in South America.

Habitat:  They live in the murky streams and ponds of the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America.

Feeding :  Feeding mainly on fish, but also amphibians Insects and even birds and small mammals.

Reproduction :  Female lays eggs in nests Buid by the male with his tong. 


Electric Eels can reach huge proportions, exceeding 8 feet (2.5 meters) in length and 44 pounds (20 kilograms) in weight. They have long, cylindrical bodies and flattened heads and are generally dark green or grayish on top with yellowish coloring underneath

Their bodies contain electric organs with about 6,000 specialized cells called electrocytes that store power like tiny batteries. When threatened or attacking prey, these cells will discharge simultaneously, emitting a burst of at least 600 volts, five times the power of a standard U.S. wall socket.


Learn More in: http://www.cpt.com.br/cursos-criacaodepeixes/artigos/peixes-de-agua-doce-do-brasil-poraque-electrophorus-electricus#ixzz3ih8B4ecE
