Zingiber officinale

<< Voltar

Herb up to 2m high, with yellow-green flowers.

Zingiber officinale is native to Asia (India and China). At the Ver-o-Peso, it is only sold the rhizome of the plant, which is internally white.

As a medicinal plant, ginger is one of the oldest and most popular in the world. Its therapeutic properties are a result of the action of various substances, especially the essential oil containing canfeno, phellandrene, zingiberene and zingerone.

Popularly, ginger tea, made with pieces of fresh rhizome boiled in water, is used in the treatment against colds, coughs, colds and even hangover. Ginger baths and hot compresses are suitable for alleviating the symptoms of gout, arthritis, headaches and in the column, and reduction nasal congestion, prevents menstrual cramps, and cancer gut and ovary.

Since ancient times, ginger is used to make syrups to combat sore throat. In Japan, ginger is used for massages from ginger oil is traditional and known treatments for spinal problems and joints. In Chinese herbal medicine, ginger root is called "Gan Jiang" and it is used to warm the spleen and stomach, expelling the cold. It is used against loss of appetite, cold limbs, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. 

Ginger has bactericidal action and is detoxifying. Besides, it is believed to have aphrodisiac properties. In traditional Chinese medicine, recognized for its action on blood circulation, it is used against erectile dysfunction.

Thanks to its high bactericidal potency has been proven that the consumption of this plant in a raw state for about 30 days (one can grind and add sweetener, honey, etc.) removes the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, existing in the case of gastritis or ulcers.