Laulao Catfish

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Brachyplatystoma is a genus of catfish from the family Pimelodidae. As the occasionally used common name goliath catfishes indicates, this genus includes some of the largest species of catfish, including the PiraíbaB. filamentosum, which reaches up to the region of 3.6 metres (12 ft) in length. 

Brachyplatystoma are found in the Amazon and Orinoco basins, and other tropical freshwater and brackish habitats in South America. Some species are migratory. These fish are important as food fish and, to some extent, aquarium fish.

Anatomy and Appearance :

Brachyplatystoma all exhibit long maxillary barbels that extend past the dorsal fin in all species, but may even extend to the caudal fin. The caudal fin of adult Brachyplatystoma fish is moderately to deeply forked.[3]Brachyplatystoma have specialized pelagic young with greatly elongated barbels and fin filaments, and strongly ornamented pectoral spines.[5]

Distribution and habitat:  This fish is found in The Amazon, Orinoco and The Guyanas in South America.