Sea Bass

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Popular Name:  peixe de água doce chamado Corvina é conhecido popularmente como Cruvina, Pescada-Branca e Pescada-do-Piauí.

Scientific Name : 
Plagioscion squamosissimus.

Geographical Distribution :  
It can be foundin Rivers Parnaíba, Trombetas, Negro e Amazona Basin.

Habitat :
It can be found in shallow waters of rivers and sea.


Sea bass (family Serranidae), any of the numerous fishes of the family Serranidae (order Perciformes), most of which are marine, found in the shallower regions of warm and tropical seas. The family includes about 475 species, many of them well-known food and sport fishes. Although the term sea bass may be used for the family as a whole, the fishes themselves bear a variety of names, such as hamlet, hind, cony, graysby, grouper, and jewfish, as well as sea bass and bass. It has sharp teeth. Usually it can reach up to 20 in ad weight up to 10 pounds. 

Sea bass are rather perchlike fish. The more or less elongated body has small scales, the mouth is large, and the tail is generally straight-edged or rounded. The dorsal fin, a diagnostic feature, consists of a forward, spiny section and a hinder, soft-rayed section; the two portions are usually joined but may be separated by a notch.

Some sea basses, for example, are able to change to any of several colour patterns. In other species the young may be patterned differently from the adults, and in still others individuals inhabiting deeper waters may be considerably redder than those of the same species living near shore. 

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