Mentha × piperita

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This species is a crossover product between M. spicata L. and M. aquatica L.

The name (piperita = pepper), is related to the spicy taste of its leaves.

Mentha x piperita is native to Asia and Europe.

According to folk medicine, this species acts in the weaknesses of the stomach, cramping and vomiting. Similarly to the rosemary and camphor, it is used for colds and skin irritations, headaches and toothache (by chewing the leaves).

Leaves of mint pepper in tea (infusion) are employed for insomnia and nervous excitement. The smashed stalks are effective against insect bites. Fresh leaves infused facilitate digestion. It is a green intense and refreshing aroma herb. It is good for the respiratory system (cough, asthma, bronchitis) and acts in infectious diseases such as bactericidal and antiseptic and anesthetic.