Yellow Pepper

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Scientific Name: Capsicum Chinense

This pepper is very commom in The State of Pará. It is exported for many Countries like USA and Japan. It is stronger than Jalapeno. It has a strong and delicious smell.

It can be used in any dish. It is used mostly with Tucupi (liquid to make many dishes like tacacá, Pato no Tucupi)

The appearance and characteristics of the plants can vary greatly. Varieties such as the well-known habaneros grow to form small, compact perennial bushes about 0.5 m in height. The flowers, as with most Capsicum species, are small and white with five petals. When it forms, the fruit varies greatly in colour and shape,[with red, orange, and yellow being the most common final colours, but colours such as brown are also known. Another similarity with other species would be shallow roots, which are very common.

Energia 27,2 kcal, Proteínas 2,1 g, Lípidios 0,3 g, Carboidratos 4,7 g, Fibra 0,2 g, Cálcio 28,3 mg, Fósforo 30,8 mg, Ferro 1,2 mg, potássio 390,80 mg, Sódio 5,1 mg, Vit C 46,4 mg.

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