
<< Voltar

Scientific name: Annona squamosa

Color: green, yellow-green, violet

Height: 5-10 cm

The pulp is white and soft when ripe with a sweet taste. It can be eaten fresh by opening the shell and eating with a spoon. It is also possible to produce juices, sweets or ice cream. But the seeds are toxic.

The brazilian name ?Fruta-da-Conteā€œ comes from the Governeur Diogo Luis de Oliveira. In the north and some parts of northeast in Brazil it is known as ata, in the south as Ariticum or Araticum.

The fruit comes from the tropical forests and is widely spread in Brazil but it is not as popular for Brazilians. But there are many reasons to eat it: Good source for iron, calcium, phosphor, protein, vitamin and carbohydrates. Moreover, it acts anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and anti-rheumatism.